. . . from "Friend" Brandon






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The two Brandon's met in third grade.

For many years they  were always together.

Brandon Y. got the name "friend" Brandon,

from Brandon M's. family.

We would always tell Rachel,

who was very young at the time,

"This is Brandon's friend Brandon."

Brandon Y. will always be to us "friend" Brandon."


Brandon Y.sent me this story

that he and Brandon M. did when they were 10 years old.

Thank you Brandon Y. for sharing this with us all.


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Cover of Book Drawing


Information on Book

(Page 1)

Book Dedication

(Page 2)

Drawing of Time Machine


Fri.. Feb. 16, 1990 Brandon M. and I made a time machine. When we were done I got these items, $100.00 in cash, two knives, and a compass.


I started the time machine. I set the time for the year 2018. I pushed the button to go and in a flash we were in the future. When we were in the future I looked to see if the time machine took us to the right time. It said we were in the year 2017. I wondered why it said 2017.


We got out of the time machine and went exploring. There were lots of things to see for miles, cars that could fly, doors that used hand prints to get in instead of keys and cars that used solar power.


We stopped at the scientist's lab. We looked in a window and listened. There was a scientist. "Soon the whole world will be gone a second after midnight Jan. 1, 2018," he said to himself.


We ran back tot he time machine. I set it for an hour before 2018 and in a flash we were in the year 2018.


(Page 3)


Drawing of Cutting of Wires


We ran back to the scientist's lab. I opened the door quietly. We found that the scientist wasn't there. We found a bomb. I found hundreds of wires. I figured that if I just cut the wires it would work. I started cutting all the wires. About 50 minutes later I had five wires left. I looked at my watch. It said 11:52. Then seven minutes later I had one wire left. I started cutting the wire. 3 seconds, 2 seconds, 1 second and the last wire was cut! Brandon M. and I had saved the world!


We walked back to the time machine. I set the time machine for home. I bet no one knew that the world was saved.

(Page 4)


About the Author Brandon Y


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