The following words written by Lisa D.,

with the help of her sister Shelly and a friend Mark W.,

appear on a Bronze Plague near the Life Jacket Rack.




Life Jackets

In Loving Memory


Brandon Dean McManamy



May you love this place as I,

The beauty God made it to be.

But allow it not to take away,

As it took away the life in me.




It is not so much in leaving Earth,

That weighs upon my mind.

It is the pain within the ones I love,

It is all the hurting that stays behind.

The pain of no longer seeing me,

Because these waters set me free.




Please, think of those who would grieve so much,

Their hurting and their pain.

Wear these jackets left here at this place,

Let my death be not in vain.




With Love from Brandon Dean McManamy

9/22/80 -   6/21/98